Tag Archives: whole food recipes

Recipe: Pickled Eggs


I found this recipe on wildernesschilde.blogspot.com.  I adapted it very, very slightly.  It’s one of my favorite ways to have handy snacky protein around. It’s also a great way to preserve a bumper crop of eggs if you get lucky enough to come into one.

Pickled Eggs

What you’ll need:

Eggs-at least a dozen

Wheat Free Tamari/Soy Sauce

Vinegar (balsamic is super nice, but pricey so I mix it with apple cider vinegar)

1 large onion

4 bulbs of garlic per jar


Canning Jar or old big pickle jar (1/2 gallon holds about 1 1/12 dozen eggs)

You know how I roll around here by now.  I’m not all into measurements and those sorts of crazy constraints.  Maybe that’s one reason that I eat paleo.  I don’t have to bake and get specific.

Okay here we go:

1. Boil your eggs.

2. While your eggs are boiling, slice your onion into thick rounds and peel the garlic.

3. Peel your eggs.  (This is easier if you take the freshly boiled eggs and plunge them into ice water.  This shrinks the egg away from the shell.)

4. Take your clean jar and put one-two large pieces of seaweed in the jar.  (I used kelp this time.)  As you peel the eggs, plop them in the jar with the seaweed.

5.  While you’re peeling eggs, take equal parts vinegar and tamari (the amount you need will be according to the size of the jar), the garlic and the onion slices (reserve one) and boil them in a pot.

6.  When the vinegar/tamari mixture is brought to a boil for a minute or two, carefully pour it all over the eggs into the jar with the garlic and onions.

7.  Take the piece of onion you had reserved, and place it on top and close the jar.

8.  This will keep for a long time.  A couple months at least.

I love to make egg salad from these.  Deviled eggs.  Or just eat them as is.  I LOVE them.

Have fun!

Recipe: Mashed Sweet Potatoes with Raspberry “Gravy”


Mashed Sweet Potatoes with Raspberry “Gravy’

I had this as a side for my steak the other day.  It was so good so I thought I’d pass it on to y’all.

What you’ll need per person:

For the potatoes:

1 sweet potato

2 cloves garlic

1 Tablespoon of coconut milk

Water to cover

For the “gravy”:

1 cup of bone broth or stock

10 or so raspberries

1/2 Tablespoon mint leaves

2 pinches dried thyme

1 pinch dried rosemary

Juice of 1/2 lemon

To make the potatoes:

1. Peel and cube the potatoes tiny for faster cooking.

2. Peel the garlic.

3. Put the potatoes and garlic in pot and cover with water.  Bring to a boil.

4.  When tender, add coconut milk and either using a fork or a blender, mash and mix well.

5.  Salt to taste.

While the potatoes are cooking, make the ‘gravy’.

1. Put the bone broth in a saucepan.

2. Add raspberries.  (I use frozen.)

3.  Add mint and other herbs.

4.  Allow the broth to reduce by half and mash everything together.

5.  Incorporate lemon juice.  (I like the tang so if you don’t, use a little less juice.)

6.  Salt to taste.

Spoon the gravy over the potatoes and nosh on, my friend.  Nosh on.

I like the chunkiness over the smoothness of the potato but you can also pass through a sieve to get a clearer, smoother sauce.

(Make plenty more if you would rather this as a main dish!)
